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Demonica is a boss from Stretch Panic and one of Linda's twelve sisters. She can be fought after the second batch of sisters are defeated; it costs four points to initially enter her arena.


While never directly shown in-game, Demonica's silhouette can be seen when lightning flashes. She appears to be very muscular and top-heavy, and she holds an axe in her left hand.

Manual Description[]

Demonica has an unhealthy passion for all things horror related. Books, movies, comics - you name it, she's into it. As such the demons of vanity have transformed her into the ultimate visage of terror - a being so horrible that to even look at her is fatal! As Linda battles Demonica she must try to keep her OUT of the room. If Demonica manages to break through one of the room's many barricaded doors or floor grates, it's game over. Linda's only hope is to use sound and the holes in the wall to track Demonica's location...


Demonica's fight takes place in a large room, composed of three barricaded doors, two barricaded trapdoors, three statues, and a pair of stained glass windows facing each other. Demonica spends the fight outside of the arena, trying to break into the room through any of the doorways. Therefore, the entire fight is spent fending her off from the entrances, for if she manages to break through, she uniquely ends the fight in an instant loss.

Demonica will run around the circular exterior of the arena. You can tell where she is through audio cues, as well as seeing her run by the small windows between doors. She may also choose to tunnel underneath the floor, where she can access the two trapdoors. Each of the doors and trapdoors have four barricades. Whenever Demonica stops behind an entrance, she will begin bashing it, and after five strikes one of its barricades will be blown off. If all four barricades on a single entrance are broken, Demonica will enter the room and end the battle. While the door is being bashed, you must pinch it to send Demonica away and deal damage to her.

When Demonica stops behind a statue, she will either use it to shoot lasers that travel across the ground, or summon Zako into the arena, both of which can damage Linda. The horde of Zako can quickly overwhelm you if not dealt with, as they can distract from Demonica's next move. To stop these attacks and deal some damage, you can pinch the statue while its red eye is open.

Occasionally, Demonica will stop behind one of the two windows. When she does, lightning will strike more frequently, revealing her silhouette facing one of the windows, and the silhouette of a hanged person shown in the other. You must pinch the window with Demonica's silhouette to send her away and do heavy damage. If you take too long, Demonica will instantly destroy the window and enter the room.


  • "Damn it!" (when attacked)
  • "Time to die!" (after breaking into the room)


  • Demonica is the only boss who is never actually seen. When she breaks in, she can briefly be seen for a moment, but she only appears as a black silhouette.
    • Her appearance in the manuals and in the Gallery of Shame is instead the statue from her boss arena.
  • Demonica is the only boss to have a unique game-over cutscene.
    • She is also the only boss that can instantly kill Linda.
  • When hit, she uses the voice line "Damn it!" pitched down.
  • Demonica's portrait from The Museum of Agony appears to depict a glimpse of her actual appearance: she has blue skin, yellow eyes and white fingers.

