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Epsilon-2 (Japanese: イプシロン-2, Hepburn: Ipushiron-2) is the player character and main protagonist of Alien Soldier.


After Epsilon-Eagle was wounded and sucked into the time-space continuum following the X-Ages' assassination attempt of him, his being was split into two halves, each being a parasite and having part of the original Epsilon's personality. Just as Epsilon-1 represented the evil half, Epsilon-2 represented the good half.

When Epsilon-2 became a parasite, he inhabited the body of Fou Misaki, a clone of Yu Misaki who was under the care of Kaede Nanase at the research institute "Indigo". When Xi-Tiger threatened to kill Kaede, Epsilon-2 responded to Fou's rage, causing him to transform into the visage of the former Scarlet leader.

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As Epsilon-2 is the character you play as, it is up to you to control his actions throughout the game.

He can jump, run on floors and ceilings, hover in mid-air, and fire his weapons, as well as the Counter Force ability, which allows him to punch weak enemy projectiles to turn into health pick-ups.

Before the game begins, you must select four out of a choice of six different weapons;

  • Buster Force - A standard, rapid-fire weapon.
  • Ranger Force - A four-way spreading shot.
  • Flame Force - A high-damaging flamethrower with a limited range and high energy consumption. Weak against mechanical enemies and bosses, but effective against organic enemies and bosses.
  • Sword Force - An energy beam that continuously fires as long as you hold down the fire button. Range decreases with energy consumption.
  • Lancer Force - A singular, high-powered beam that deals a large amount of damage. Has high energy consumption, so make your shots count! The beam is red when Epsilon is in fixed-fire mode, and green in free-moving mode.
  • Homing Force - Fires short-ranged flames that can home in on nearby enemies. Useful for identifying weak points in bosses, as well as for tracking Flying-Neo.

Epsilon-2 is also capable of using the Zero Teleport maneuver, which allows him to perform a kind of high-speed dash that is useful for dodging enemy attacks. If Epsilon-2 is at full health, he would be able to perform the Zero Teleport Explosion, which is a fiery dashing attack with a phoenix-like aura that causes a large amount of damage. However, it also takes away some of Epsilon-2's health when it is performed, and as a result, if you want to use it, Epsilon-2 must be at full health.
