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Gargantuan (Japanese: ガルガリム03 Garugarimu 03 Galgalim03) is a boss in Silhouette Mirage.


Gargantuan, as its name implies, is a massive trash compactor-like Guardian Angel. Its body is green and it has two heads, one on each side of its body. The left head is more reptilian, while the right is more mammalian with an orange mane or hair. It also has four arms, two of which hold a pink orb, while the others end in claws. The center of Gargantuan is dark gray with a light gray top with gears and the number "03" written on the very top. It also has four wings which change color depending on its attribute, but by default they appear as yellow.



Gargantuan is a Guardian Angel, and therefore, it uses both attributes. It is summoned by Hal inside the Edo facility. Once defeated, it begins to explode, but Shyna is whisked away by Zohar Sandalphon before she is caught in the blast.


To deal damage to Gargantuan, Shyna must lure its hands towards either Polly Peepers or Specters, depending on what color its wings are. If Gargantuan grabs an enemy of the opposite attribute and crushes it inside itself, it will take damage. It will try to grab enemies of the same attribute it currently is, so Shyna should aim to stop it by killing those enemies quickly. It takes ten enemies to defeat Gargantuan.


  • Gargantuan's name in the Japanese version of the game refers to the Galgalim, a class of celestial beings, who along with the Cherabim and Seraphim, never sleep but guard the throne of God. Galgalim is in fact another name for the Ophanim.

