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Goliath (known as Goliath the Philistine Warrior in the Japanese version) is a minor character and mini-boss from Silhouette Mirage. He is fought in the Raqia stage.


Goliath is a top heavy humanoid with pale skin, and he takes on the appearance of a wrestler. He only wears a dark blue leotard and a green mask with a jagged pattern. His eyes are white with red rings around them, and he usually flaunts a wide, toothy smile. Each of his shoulders is spherical in shape, and he can shift this shape to his hands.


Being a Silhouette, Goliath prides himself on his physical strength, especially since it allows him to work for the Mirages. In the English translation, he talks with a caveman-like tone, using "me" in place of "I" and keeping his sentences short.


Shortly after Shyna's encounter with Zohar in Raqia, a cargo truck carrying Goliath along with a group of Polly Peepers and Specters pulls to her side. Goliath introduces himself as a "slave" to the Mirages, to which Shyna accuses him of being manipulated. The two of them battle, and when Goliath is defeated, he is sent flying out of the arena, and his truck releases a shop to Shyna's position before being destroyed.

NA Manual Description[]

Goliath relies only on his brute strength to guard the attribute gun that the Mirage have developed to defeat Shyna.


As a simple mini-boss, Goliath shouldn't be too much trouble as long as you have a strong weapon. As shown in his physical fighting style, he is a Silhouette, meaning he must be hit with Mirage attacks to lower his strength. His regular attacks are stopping and shooting a fireball at you with his fist, which can be reflected, or grabbing you if you get too close. Once you are grabbed, Goliath jumps into the air and throws you onto the ground, draining both your strength and spirit regardless of which attribute you currently have.

At the start of the fight, Goliath's shoulders are spherical while his hands are thin. He may choose to shift this shape to his hands, which influences some of his attacks. While his hands are large, his grab attack deals more damage, and he also may try a new attack: jumping into the air and slamming his fists onto the ground, causing a shockwave if he has high enough spirit.

Upon his shoulders growing large again, Goliath will leap back onto his truck in the background, where he will be intangible to your weapons. He will then try to lob either Polly Peepers or Specters at you, which either deal damage on contact or fall off the truck if they miss. However, they can also be reflected with the appropriate reflector, which will damage him in return. After doing this for a short time, Goliath will hop back onto your footing to continue the battle more personally.


  • Goliath's name and strong physique are references to the biblical Goliath, a Philistine soldier who was large in size, and defeated by David with a stone flung from a sling. The Japanese version even directly calls the character a Philistine Warrior.
  • In the Japanese version, his name is simply 'Goliath the warrior' in the credits.

