Linda's Sisters are characters from Stretch Panic. They are possessed by vanity demons and must be rescued by Linda throughout the game. There are twelve sisters altogether, excluding Linda.
Linda's sisters have varying appearances which are entirely random. The random choices have three body types and three hairstyles, and outfits for each with three color schemes for each outfit ensemble. This results in twenty-seven different sister variations.
There are three body types: small and short, slim and tall, and medium sized and round.
The sisters are described as being vain and selfish, looking up to their mother and treating Linda as their errand girl. However, once rescued by Linda, they seem to be grateful and appreciate her more.
In Stretch Panic, Linda's Sisters are possessed by Zako and turned into monsters that are each girl's view of 'perfect beauty'. They act as bosses in the game. They are:
- Spinner
- Cinder
- Siren
- Miss Mecca
- Anne Droid V2.1
- Fay Soff
- Samantha
- Jelly-Chan
- Demonica
- Cyan
- Mirage
- Spirit
- The sisters' appearances won't always match their manual descriptions, such as Cyan not being short or Jelly-Chan not being fat.
- This could mean that the descriptions were added late into development, when they couldn't change the random design feature.
- The manual refers to the sisters with the same names as their boss forms.
- After being exorcised, the fat sisters' dancing causes the screen to shake and the controller to rumble.