Parasites are items Shyna can buy in Silhouette Mirage that aid her attacks, acting as alternate weapons. There are seven different parasites that can be bought at the shops found throughout the game. You can hold up to three at once, though you can also sell them to make room for another.
The Parasite's level affects how strong its weapons are. The level of Parasites available at a shop depends on the stage number: for example, stage four will have Parasites of level 4, level 5 Parasites will appear in stage five, and so on. Parasites will automatically level up as Shyna progresses through the game. Level 6 Parasites are the strongest and can only be found in secret shops throughout the game one at a time; alternatively, they all appear in the shop on stage seven. Higher level parasites also cost more credits.
Each Parasite gives Shyna a unique attack as well as a unique version of the Parasite Bomb attack while in use. Parasite Bombs are usually activated above Shyna's head, so one must be careful not to use the attack too high up a stage, as the ceiling may negate the attack.
Depending on how high Shyna's spirit meter is, the Parasites' attacks will be more powerful. If her spirit meter fully runs out, the Parasite she is currently using is destroyed, and her spirit meter refills fully. This happens unless the only Parasite Shyna has is a level 1 Surosa; if her last Parasite wasn't, she automatically gets a level 1 Surosa as a fallback weapon. Shyna also starts the game with one of these.
Surosa is a small humanoid figure that is half red and half blue. It has a peach colored nose, arms and legs.
Surosa acts as a regular shot. At level 5 and 6 it will fire a flurry of shots when holding down the attack button when Shyna's spirit is over 200; if her spirit is below 200, the button has to be mashed. This Parasite is ideal for draining spirit and is a very good all-round weapon.
Surosa's Parasite Bomb attack fires multiple shots randomly at enemies.
NA Manual description[]
This very boring, yet effective, weapon fires basic shots directly at the enemies. Shyna begins the game with this trusty parasite.
Priday is a small creature that resembles a fox. It has yellow skin and dark sunglasses. Its hands resemble scythes.
Priday's shot consists of a boomerang attack that will return to Shyna. This attack travels across about two-thirds of the screen. The attack is powerful but costly on spirit. Up to four boomerang shots can be on screen at once.
Priday's Parasite Bomb attack fires boomerangs in a circular pattern.
NA Manual description[]
This boomerang-like parasite is capable of piercing an enemy and returning to its owner.
Angara is a silver bullet shaped creature with a stern face and small arms and legs.
Angara's attacks are small and curve downwards once shot. These shots will explode once they hit the ground. Angara also gives Shyna the ability to place mines with the command down + attack. It takes a short while for them to detonate and only one can be on screen at once.
Angara's Parasite Bomb attack creates a series of explosions close to Shyna.
NA Manual description[]
This explosive parasite's shots cause extensive concussive damage to the enemy. As a bonus, press the [square] button + the Down Directional button to place an Angara mine on the ground to maim unsuspecting enemies.
Grattoni is a blue creature that is just a floating head and arms. It has clawed hands and a large jagged snout.
Grattoni's attack is a beam that can continue if the attack button is held down. It's a powerful attack but it costs a lot of spirit to use.
Grattoni's Parasite Bomb attack creates a beam that locks onto one random enemy.
NA Manual description[]
This parasite produces a high-powered laser attack that will devastate any enemy. There is no substitute for Gratonni's power.
Rasti resembles the grim reaper. It has a tattered red cloak, a pale skull-like face, and hands that hang under its cloak.
Rasti's attack is a gas cloud that causes damages to enemies inside it. Up to four clouds can be on screen at once. This attack is effective to pair with grabs, since enemies will still be damaged by the clouds while you hold them.
Rasti's Parasite Bomb attack creates a ring of gas clouds above Shyna.
NA Manual description[]
This agent of gaseous matter like to suffocate enemies to death in a cloud of its toxic fumes.
Envia is a small winged humanoid. It has peach coloured skin and blonde hair. Its body is blue and its wings are light pink. It also has red feet and earrings.
Envia creates wing shields for Shyna that can damage enemies as well as stun them. Envia's ability is almost impossible for enemies to reflect and doesn't use too much spirit.
Envia's Parasite Bomb attack creates two large wings that circle around Shyna.
NA Manual description[]
Creates a beam, much like wings, that can be spread out, or concentrated into a high-powered blast. Use the Up or Down Directional buttons, or Up and Down on the Left Stick, to change the beam.
Cavitas is a duck creature with a white head and a yellow body. It has an orange beak and webbed feet, red arms, a blue tuft of hair and large blue eyes.
Cavitas' ability is to create a crosshair in front of Shyna that can be moved with up and down controls. This crosshair allows Shyna to lock on to multiple enemies and shoot beams at all of them at once. The attack is also able to stun enemies.
Cavitas' Parasite Bomb attack locks on to multiple enemies and fires at random.
NA Manual description[]
After targeting an enemy, a homing laser will be fired to waste the foe. If more than one enemy is in the sight, multiple lasers will be fired.
North American version[]
Parasite | Cost (Level 1) | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
Surosa | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 |
Priday | 250 | 500 | 650 | 750 | 850 | 950 |
Angara | 150 | 250 | 350 | 450 | 550 | 650 |
Grattoni | 300 | 450 | 600 | 750 | 900 | 1000 |
Rasti | 100 | 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1000 |
Envia | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 |
Cavitas | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 600 | 1200 |
- The Parasites are based off the seven deadly sins: Surosa is sloth, Priday is pride, Angara is wrath, Grattoni is gluttony, Rasti is lust, Envia is envy, and Cavitas is greed.
- Their Japanese names are almost all the exact same as the sins, except for Angara being called Anger, Rasti - Lusty and Cavitas - Covetous.
- Shyna is seen using all seven Parasites at once in the animated opening; this is impossible to do in-game, as your max Parasite count is three.
- In the North American manual, Grattoni's name is erroneously spelled "Gratonni" in its description.