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Samson (known as Samson Hairpower in the Japanese version) is a minor character and mini-boss from Silhouette Mirage.


Samson is a tall top-heavy humanoid. He wears a purple coat with long sleeves; under that he wears a white shirt with a collar and golden buttons, and over it blue suspenders with golden buttons. He also has black shoes and white hands, and golden bands that section off his arms. He has a spherical head adorned with a gray mask, with one side being a darker gray and having holes for his eyes and nostrils. The mask is held up by a black strap adorned with more golden buttons. Red hair also grows from his head which sticks out in a jagged pattern.


Samson is a henchman of few words, only speaking in grunts. Since he is a Silhouette, he tends to use brute force in much of his work, as seen in his attacks when you fight him, much to Delia's dismay.


Samson appears at the start of Media City driving Delia's car. After hitting Shyna, he stops the car and receives a scolding from Delia before resuming their drive. When Shyna lands on the top of the car shortly after, Delia orders Samson to check what the noise could be. This leads to Samson growing in size and bursting through the roof, further disappointing his boss. He battles Shyna as the car continues to travel.

After being defeated by the Messenger, Samson collapses onto the front of the car, almost completely destroying it. Delia realizes the noise was Shyna, but his plan to distract her until they reached the Broadcast Facility was fruitful, and the vehicle crashes into the side of it.


Samson is of the Silhouette attribute, so he must be hit with Mirage attacks to lower his strength. His hands are his weak points, and also the source of all of his attacks. He will either try to slap you, clap his hands together and try to grab you, or shoot a projectile that explodes into a wave if it hits the car. All of these attacks can be reflected with a Mirage reflector, though it is easier to dodge them and simply fire away. If he grabs you, he will hold you in one hand while charging a punch with the other, which can only be avoided if you break free by mashing.

The entire fight takes place on the moving car, and Shyna will take damage if she falls off. At certain HP thresholds, Delia will signal Samson to turn the car, causing him to retreat into the vehicle and turn it. This flings Shyna into the air again before she lands back on the car and the fight resumes at another angle. While the car is driving away from you, the space you can walk on is smaller, so exercise caution.


  • Samson's Japanese name references the biblical Samson: a man who had great physical strength which only dwindled when his hair was cut.
    • It may also refer to horsepower, a unit of measurement often used when evaluating the output of engines and motors.
  • His dialogue portrait shows him with tiny red pupils that aren't seen in either his official art or other sprites.

