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Siren is a boss from Stretch Panic and one of Linda's twelve sisters. She can be fought at the start of the game; it costs one point to initially enter her arena.


Siren is a tall female humanoid. She has white skin and teal hair with a centre parting that goes down to her shoulders and flicks out at the side of her face. She wears a light cream colored dress with long sleeves that conceal her hands usually. Her dress is wide at the bottom and covers a great deal of her boss arena. She also wears a light pink belt around her waist. Her eyes are always closed.

In her demon form her skin is light blue and she has bright green hair that points outwards horizontally. Her eyes are wide and yellow and her expression is now evil with arched eyebrows and a wide grin. Her dress is dark pink with a revealing slit down her chest and jagged sleeves. She also has a yellow belt.

Manual Description[]

Siren's original ambition was to become a successful opera singer. Well, in her possessed form she's singing to a potentially 'captive' audience. They say music has the power to transform the soul; in Siren's case, this transformation is quite literal! Don't be deceived by her innocent facade - when this dark diva sings, all hell is about to break loose.


The battle takes place in a circular arena, with Siren at the center. In her more peaceful form, she is always open to your attacks.

Her main attack is complicated and involves her followers. There are ten Zako which initially appears harmless, only randomly roaming the arena without attacking Linda at all. However, when Siren starts singing, the Zako will move onto her dress. If they are grabbed by the scarf in this state, they will flee off the dress, but if you aren't fast enough to remove all of them, Siren will initiate her next phase of her offense.

Siren will hunch over as red teeth stick out from the edges of her dress. The head of a monster will spring up from the ground, eating Siren and any of her followers that weren't removed. If Linda is standing in its mouth, she will be pushed out of the way without taking damage, though running into it while it spins will lightly damage her. Once it opens its mouth and retreats, Siren and her followers will transform into their more aggressive states. The follower Zako will fly towards Linda and try to attack her with their scythes; however, if they are pinched in this state they will return to normal. Siren will send lightning bolts at Linda, or swat at her for heavy damage if she gets too close. Eventually, Siren and any transformed followers will revert to their original forms, and the cycle repeats.

While Siren is singing, if all ten Zako are plucked off of her dress, she will try to transform, but the monster from the ground will bite her instead, dealing heavy damage. This makes it possible to beat Siren without letting her transform at all.


  • "What?" (when attacked)
  • "La-la-la, lala..." (singing)
  • "Gather round, children." (before transforming)
  • “I am reborn!” (after transforming)
  • "Damn it!" (when attacked in her monster form, also when defeated)
  • “Paralysis attack!” (before being bitten by the monster)
  • "You... bit me..." (when dealt heavy or special damage)
  • "That was uncalled for."


  • Siren's name comes from the mythological creature of the same name. They are known to use their singing to lure sailors at sea to their deaths. This matches Siren's use of singing to lure in her followers before turning them into demons.
  • Siren's voice line 'Damn it!' is reused with Mirage, Miss Mecca, and Demonica.
  • When bitten by the monster, Siren's arms stick out at the top, revealing red claws. She also bleeds in a similar fashion to Miss Mecca.
  • In prerelease screenshots, Siren's boss room was the same as Cinder's, and she had at least thirteen followers.
    • In other prerelease screenshots, the stage is shown to not change appearance when Siren turns into her demon form.



