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Spinner (ササールカ, Sasāruka) is a boss from Stretch Panic and one of Linda's twelve sisters. She can be fought at the start of the game; it costs one point to initially enter her arena.


Spinner is a vaguely humanoid female with a multicolored body and wings. She has a double-pointed head which is light pink at the front and dark blue at the back. She has circular eyes that are red, white and blue and has an open mouthed smile. Her main body is fuchsia, purple and blue. She has small pink arms and green wings that extrude from her body. Her wings are green with darker green outlines and red circle patterns that resemble her eyes. At the bottom of her body is a dark grey sphere and each segment of her body is separated by red bands. The extended parts of her body are white and yellow striped.

Manual Description[]

Spinner is one of the younger sisters and is extremely hyper active. She is very sporty and enjoys outdoor activities. Before she was seduced by the demons of vanity, she enjoyed running around and around in circles to make herself dizzy and tired. Her transformed state is balanced like a pendulum to take full advantage of her centrifugal fascination.


Spinner spends most of the fight keeping true to her namesake: spinning. It is her main method of attacking Linda, in two different ways. She may start erratically moving around the large open arena, doing damage by ramming into you. It can be difficult to steer clear if you are close to her when she initiates this attack, and you might want to use a Scarf Flip to quickly make some distance. Her other spinning move involves flipping on her side and hugging the ground, then suddenly darting straight at Linda's position. She charges across the arena once more before assuming another attack, and getting hit by her causes heavy damage. Otherwise, Spinner is always open to attacks and can be dealt with quickly if you play aggressive.

A minor attack Spinner also uses is lining herself upward, then shooting bombs from the point closer to the sky that bounce across the ground. These bombs can be picked up and thrown at her for medium damage. More importantly, if you pinch the point of Spinner that is closer to the ground, she will lose her balance and spin out of control. If her head hits the floor in this state, she will get stuck and take heavy damage.


  • "Here I come!" (before using her ramming spin attack)
  • Haha, this makes me dizzy!” (before using her sweeping spin attack)
  • "Ugghhh... meanie..." (before using her bomb attack, sometimes)
  • "Mommy, I'm stuck!" (when dealt heavy or special damage)


  • Her design may be based off a drinking bird toy, which are designed to rotate up and down in a similar fashion.
  • In prerelease screenshots, Spinner uses EX Island as her boss room.

